Please tell us what industry this website will be geared towards and indicate any special integrations you would like for your website/ (Example - Calendar/Scheduling Integration, Online Payment Integrations, Blog, Webinars or E-courses, etc.)
IF different from your domain registrar please also provide the login so we can access it to determine your MX records before we make your new site live and avoid interruption to your emails.
Google Analytics
Please fill out this section if you would like us to install Google Analytics & Google Search Console on your site. By providing us with your login information below you are giving us permission to log into your Google account and set-up or edit your Google Analytics & Google Search Console, install it onto your website for tracking purposes. We will also be adding ourselves as users on both accounts so that in the future we can access them without having to log into your Google account. You can revoke this privilege anytime. There is no additional charge for this service.
We use this to help with your SEO
If you do not have any high resolution photos you can go to and send us the stock photo ID's of the photos you want. We will purchase them for you. Put the Stock ID's of the photos in the box below. No more than 5 please
Please tell us about the color scheme you want to use on the site. If you have specific Colors you want to use you can include Hex codes. Or you can include other sites you have seen that you like.
Please tell us any additional information you want us to know
Terms & Conditions
By checking the boxes below you are the person purchasing this site or a representative thereof & confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions set forth by WGSD Virtual Assistant Services LLC and Lisa Spampinato. Please click this link to view the details of this agreement:
Additional Fees
By checking the boxes below you are the person purchasing this site or a representative thereof & understand that any special additions outside of the regular setup & theme design will be charged at our current billing rates & must be paid in full before project goes live.
Setup includes Theme Options (colors, settings, formatting, theme license for 1 year) Home Page Design, Header, Footer, Sidebar, Google Analytics installation & setup, Additional Premium Plugin setup as needed/required. Current website page content copied over as is at WGSD Virtual Assistant Services, LLC and Lisa Spampinato's discretion.